Please answer..guinea pig question..? - canning carrots fill and flip
I held my guinea pig caresses us and connects and so .. After about 1 / 2 hours, began to "wheeking very strong," which usually means he is hungry or needs to go. When I fed and placed in his cage .. If I kept in the cage squeeking .. drunk and then kind of flipped out.
and began frantically biting his igloo / cube thing and try to dig a hole.
No fear or something that I know ... The house I was always quiet and moved slowly with him.
It was her teeth or what do you want?
There is nothing to chew on them rly ... only carrots and her igloo, I suppose.
I've used in the wooden bowl to fill with toys for my rats one week fr mePetSmart om. I ran hot water over him to kill some germs, let it dry, and he has .. he could bite the cup, I took the toy? I really can not find in the house for them.
So you think that's what was going on? I wanted something to chew?
i love her soooo much. Please help!
One thing is sure that everyone goes through the trees is. Simply forcing the ends and let the leaves as the leaves of vitamins and chew it like the bark of the branches, which is impressive for the teeth. If you are unsure what type to use, you simply call an exotic vet in their area and are more than happy to tell you that the trees are of the same rubber.
Other chew toys in the cage and not things like children's building blocks are all that done for a baby to put in your mouth is safe or Guinea Pig.
Maybe they just want something to chew. There are all sorts of things you can do for them to chew or buy. It will not die, I promise.
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