Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pet Medications And Pregnancy Question About Chronic Hives...?

Question about chronic hives...? - pet medications and pregnancy

I had hives everyday for the past four years. I have my gallbladder, because tomorrow I have a pile of stones. Is there anyway all my gall bladder is the source of my rash? I went to two allergists, immunologists, and a dermatologist and nobody can tell me why I hives. I am constantly tired. Seriously, every day for the past four years. Just out of nowhere and decided to stay. I can not remember. The only time that I have not had during pregnancy. Once I get the wine back. It is entirely possible to get my gallbladder at all this? I must add that I have been on all prescription drugs (and combinations) Each mission nonprescription drugs, steroids, too. The steroids do not work, but stay there forever. I had a biopsy of my hives, without prospects. This is not my shampoo, soap, pets, etc. I was completely unprotected.


Mike K said...

Frequent bacterial or viral infections of the throat, teeth, chest, chest, the ears, joints, and cause the gallbladder also cause hives

eskie lover said...

I also have chronic idiopathic urticaria vasculitis since 2000. In the past 7 years on each drug cocktails known to man, and I never more than 23 consecutive hours is not forgiveness. It's frustrating, because for some people, like us, there is simply no known cause hives. I do not think you should set their hopes on the removal of the gallbladder as a remedy for hives. You can research, medicine, support and information can be found at Yahoo Groups You can also use questions and see if someone has discovered that the problems of the gallbladder, to have to do their hives. Good luck with the surgery.

Kris L said...

Their hives May as "stress" and because he "stressed" because she has hives. Therefore, "the left" when I was pregnant (was "stressed," but not to the hives, so it was) ... What 's the best way "over" is always simple "Change Your Mind" ... literally loud every morning saying I have hives, but it does not bother me because they had started so long, I they love it. do this every morning and several times a day. I do not say "will" disappear rapidly, but at least "better" and not bother you so much. You also can try a nonprescription antihistamine, such as "take Claritin "or a generic Claritin. urticaria When my husband took it and went out completely and since then not to die again ... but until we, I 'll keep a box of Claritin around, just in case ... who knows ... perhaps even to thaHands t''is maintaining the hives away.

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