Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pre Herpes Pictures Herpes Question?

Herpes Question? - pre herpes pictures

My first boyfriend used to get cold sores in the mouth. One night uprotected had oral sex. He had no signs or symptoms of the cursor before a cold sore at the moment. A week later I had a yeast infection and Classic (which I had before). Monistat is cured. We broke up about 3 months. Now I have a little itchy, red a little bit .... That is all. No packaging for consumer goods (no blisters during the infection, or yeast) Is this herpes? What is the likelihood that herpes? I'm going tomorrow to the doctor, but I'm just a little crazy. My ex told me he never had herpes, a girl as before (because I am a little scared if I had) a yeast infection. A little help please.

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